Driven by my own challenges with mental, emotional, and physical health, my Life has been an Odyssey of exploration into the many paradigms and traditions of wellness. Literally I have traveled around the Globe in search of answers to the questions “What is health?’, “How does healing happen?”, and “Why does it happen differently for each and every person?”

From the first time I heard of it, I was fascinated with Placebo… so from Eastern and First Nations Traditions to Nutrition; and from Western Self Help Paradigms, to Christian Counseling… not a Stone was left unturned. My life’s offering is a prayer and a song… a wish for others from a place of deep empathy and compassion.  I am graced with living God’s purpose for this life.

The approach is an eclectic multidisciplinary approach to recovering health that starts with the individual, but is ultimately for everyone we touch. We have not lost anything along the way, it has only been accruing value over time. Our wound become our greatest gifts for others. Happiness, Vigor, Courage, or Our Childlike Awe-inspiration… return. We realize that until now life has been seen in black, white, and various shades of grey.

The approach is grounded in the deepest of listening. Meeting you where you are at with a mirror with a mirror in hand  you are not just seen, heard, and held; but you can see you, you can hear you, and so you can hold yourself as your own witness. When you bring you back,  a Wholistic Integration with Life is restored.

- Jeffrey Melick Smith 2024